From counseling to coaching, we have you covered. Book your appointment below.

MORPH Health Optimization Center Counseling.

Dr. Jenna Heller

nd, lpc

Dr. Jenna Heller has known since high school she was meant to be a mental health counselor.
Her passion began with helping hurting children, and it grew to helping struggling families. Though originally specializing in behavioral therapy, she has found that through helping families and adults, we truly optimize the family unit.
Dr. Heller now specializes in the areas of co-parenting, family, marriage, and general counseling. She also has eleven years of experience working with families, individuals, and the court system in custody cases.
Jenna has her doctorate in Naturopathy, which she sought because she greatly values the importance in mental and physical health, the harmony in the two working together, and the need to connect the mind and body.
Dr. Heller’s passion is to help individuals on their personal journeys to health and happiness, as well as help the entire familial unit.

Shayla Hunt

BA Psych, cpc

Shayla is a Certified Professional Coach, has her Bachelor’s in Psychology from Texas Tech, and is currently earning her Master’s degree in Clinical and Mental Health Counseling from OU.
Shayla’s services are ideal for adolescents needing to grow in confidence, motivation, and/or who need to talk with someone who is understanding and women who need someone to talk to, set goals with, to become more mindful, and/or work towards the future!
Coaching is a great alternative to counseling when a diagnosis or professional expertise is not needed. It helps clients identify challenges, then partners with them to help them accomplish their goals.
Basically it helps you get from point A to point B by using YOUR way of thinking and your own emotions.
In addition to her own clients, Shayla will be heading up the coaching and mental health support within our functional medicine packages!